Five times the smiles

Five times the smiles

Saturday, December 27, 2008


We have had a fast couple of weeks. I was gliding along volunteering in class rooms for the kids and then I tuned around and it was Christmas. I whipped up Christmas goodies and then we had Christmas with Ron before he went back to work. Hayley had a half day of school Monday Ron left and I thought I could rest and relax but I had like 2 min. and then it was Christmas eve. It got better though. The kids and I went to Ron's brother's house and had so much fun. We just relaxed and ate opened presents again and spent time enjoying the holiday. Sally (sister-in-law) commented on how having the kids around kept everything exciting. Just having their girls they tend to miss the energy that a 6 yr old 4 yr old and 3 yr old have for hours on end.

It got me thinking if she missed it I wonder how much longer I have before I realize I miss it. I am so thankful for my kids and love them so much. Even when they are puking or ripping the play room apart. I find that everyday they are with me I love them even more. Hard to believe but it is so true.

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I've been obsessed

It seems like forever the last time I wrote. I feel like I am letting you all down. I have an excuse not a good one but an excuse just the same. I have been obsessed literally. I was encouraged to read a little book named twilight and I have been spending all my free time reading instead of writing and checking my e-mail and being a normal person. It is pretty funny. I am now finish with the third book and the only reason I am updating now is because I don't have the 4th book to read. Plus I haven't written for so long I felt everyone deserved a little update.

Ron got moved to a Rig in North Dakota. That is his news. Hayley is doing so good. After I quit expecting things she healed very quickly or what seemed to be quicker. I just kept telling myself that she wasn't making progress and that the things that were going on weren't right. It was after a call to the on call Doc over the weekend after we got home that I was reassured that what she was going through was normal considering she had had a major surgery. It is sad that that is what it took for me to stop trying to make her better and just let her heal. Linsie is good and just taking it easy they way she always does. Jackson is getting bigger everyday it is amazing how big he is getting.

We had a really good Thanksgiving. We spent it with Ron's family and it was great just to spend time with everyone. The kids got to play with their cousins that they don't see very often. Above is a picture of all Ron's siblings and there kids. Also Ron's dad.

Recently we have been battling a flu bug of sorts. The kids were sick on Sat. night and over Sun. morning. They seem to be recovering and now it is time to deep clean everything from the ground up not the most fun thing but a very important thing.
I hope all of you are doing well and hopefully I can keep up with this better. Instead of every three weeks.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hayley is doing well

Hayley is on the mend. She makes improvements everyday. After a really frustrating weekend for me we have settled into a schedule of sorts and Hayley is adjusting back to normal. We are so blessed to have so much help from family and friends. I was a relief to know that Jack and Linsie were well cared for and I could focus on helping Hayley. Thank you also for the prayers.

Hayley is looking forward to returning to school and we are shooting for thurs. or friday.

we will keep everyone posted
Love the Bergs

Saturday, November 1, 2008

October went so fast

We have had such a good month it seems to have flown by so fast. I have been busy with church and even though It was fun to get to do all of it I am so happy to just be done. Ron drew out an Antelope tag this year so for the last couple of days it has been hunt hunt hunt. Good news we will have some Antelope now. Ron was really excited. After 2 days of little satisfaction then there was this great payoff. I was excited plus it was the last day he could harvest. Tomorrow He and his brothers will go hunting for some deer. It will be great to have a little of that in the freezer as well. Jackson turned 3 on the 25th. We kept asking him what he wanted to do for his birthday. His reply was to go to pizza hut and have pizza with everybody. Who is everybody "Lillie, Emma, Linsie, Hayley, Mom, Dad, Sid, Robbie, Holly, and she can bring Kennon, and Aaron, Stacy, Abby and will they bring baby Becca too? " So we did. It was so fun and Jack loved it. It was just what he wanted and he is already planning next year. The kids had a good Halloween too. Jack was Indiana Jones and the girls were black cats. They were so cute people would say what cute kitties and then Jack would pipe up," I'm Indiana Jones" It was funny. We trick or treated in our neighborhood and then headed to Harold and Sally's for our traditional trick or treat at the Scariest house in Casper. Harold puts on a good show with coffins and strobes smoke and taking Ghosts. Hayley was scared so was Jack but Linsie walked right up to Harold and Said that they were just fake and it didn't scare her. She is so Strong.

So this week Hayley will have surgery on her bladder and ureters. We will go in at about 6 am on Monday morning and she is the first one for the day. I am guessing she will be done at about 10 so just keep her in your thought and prayers for the day. We will be in touch with everyone by that night to let you all know and I will post again to keep everyone up dated.

We are doing well and love you all.

Tag from Holly

I haven't done this for so long the first thing I have to do is the tag from Holly
The ABC's of Me:
A. ATTACHED OR SINGLE? Attached (6+ Yrs)
B. BEST FRIEND? My husband
D. DAY OF THE WEEK? All the ones that Ron is there for (even the bad ones are better than none at all)
E. ESSENTIAL ITEMS? Food, toothbrush and phone
F. FAVORITE COLOR? sage green and eggplant purple
G. GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? none gummies arn't my favorite
H. HOMETOWN? I was born in Riverton WY but Casper is my home
I. INDULGENCE? Movies I love 'em and don't watch very many
K. KIDS? 3- two girls and one boy
L. LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT? My husband and kids
M. MARRIAGE DATE? June 9, 2002
N. NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? 1 brother and 4 sisters
P. PHOBIAS OR FEARS? Suffication, small spaces, big groups of people I need room
Q. QUOTE? keep moving forward (meet the Robinsons)
R. REASONS TO SMILE? I am healthy and I have a family
S. SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? Wonder woman I take on alot and power though it
T. TAG 5 PEOPLE? I don't know that many people if you read this and you havn't done this one do it
U. UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I am alot like my mom.
V. VEGETABLES?I really like Broccoli
W. WORST HABIT? I say yes alot
X. X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? as long as they are good news it is cool with me
Y. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? I can't decide Italian and Mexican

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is his name? Ronald Edward Berg (Ron or Big daddy when I want something)
How long have you been married? 6 years
How long did you date?When is the cutoff? before we married 1yr and 4 mos.
How old is he? 38
Who eats more? Ron
Who is taller? Ron
Who sings better? I do. That doesn't stop him
Who is smarter? We both have our weaknesses
Whose temper is worse? Ron
Who does the laundry? House Laundry is me work clothes is Ron
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? there is no Wrong or Right. Ron likes to change it up
Who pays the bills? Ron makes the money and I write the checks
Who mows the lawn? We both take you turns
Who cooks dinner? me most of the time
Who drives when you are together? Ron he says I drive like I am a nascar driver
Who is more stubborn? Ron
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? ME
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine
Who proposed? ME I made him buy the ring for me
Who has more friends? me I think it is in a womens nature to have friends
Who has more siblings? me
Who wears the pants in the family? Ron I would do anything for him.
*If you are married and you've read this, you've been tagged!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am having so much fun with my blog

So tonight I got busy and started to play with my blog. I hope you all like what you see I am going to hopefully start to write more so that there are more things to read I also got tagged by Holly so here it goes

8 tv shows I love to watch:
1. House
2. House Reruns
3. Medium(got canceled)
4. big Bother(not this season)
5. Survivor(not this season)
6. Amazing Race
7. Some CSI
8.Football (when Payton plays) ha ha that is for Ron

8 favorite places I love to eat:
1. Outback
2. Taco Johns
3. Sanford's (go gucaguca burger)
4. Burger King
5. Dairy Queen
6. Old Chicago
7. One the Border
8. Ron's pick "at home you're are the best cook baby"

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Eat breakfast
2. got dressed
3. met Vivian(sister) and Family for lunch
4. went to home depot
5. didn't find what we were looking for (not surprised)
6. went to staples and got a filing cabinet for $45 usually $120
7. picked Hayley up from school
8. Ate dinner with Vivian

8 things I look forward to:
1. some day living on the east side of Casper
2. losing 20lbs
3. my birthday I will be 28
4. paying off out dept
5. living a healthy life
6. seeing my kids learn and grow
7. using my "egg money" to drive a Ford EDGE or a Dodge CHARGER
8. Getting a goose that lays golden eggs so I can build up my "egg money"

8 things I love about fall:
1. the leaves changing
2. Stew in the Crock pot
3. the smells
4. Thanksgiving
5. Halloween
6. Birthdays I know there are a lot but lets face it mine is the important one
7. Cuddling up with my babies
8. Cuddling up with Ron (big daddy)

8 things on my wish list:
2. A new washer and dryer
3. less toys to pick up
4. Less garbage in my back yard
5. more time to sit still
6. The kids to love everything I cooked
7. the perfect Job (do kids, do cleaning, do cooking, and still have time to blog not at 2 in the morning all the time making loads of cash)
8. A toilet made of gold Ha Ha Ha(thank you Austin Powers)

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been a while

I was waiting for something super exciting to happen and it hasn't so I guess I will just write about the things that are not that exciting. Ron came home and after a day of rest we have been keeping ourselves busy. Bowling on Sat. and Church on Sun. Today the girls went to school, I went to help my friend Holly move into her new house and that left Ron and Jack to do a boys day out. Jackson was talking on the phone and told be all they were doing. The highlight was a trip to Taco Johns (Jack's favorite). Then when they got home I hugged him and asked if he had a good day thinking he would say yes. His responce was"we didn't have any fun at all". then I asked if he wanted to go again and he said that maybe tomorrow he would. I just love to hear the things that come out of his mouth. Well back to work kids are pick up toys and need supervision. hope all is well goodnight

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lets get started

I am so excited to be getting started. So here we go