Five times the smiles

Five times the smiles

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is his name? Ronald Edward Berg (Ron or Big daddy when I want something)
How long have you been married? 6 years
How long did you date?When is the cutoff? before we married 1yr and 4 mos.
How old is he? 38
Who eats more? Ron
Who is taller? Ron
Who sings better? I do. That doesn't stop him
Who is smarter? We both have our weaknesses
Whose temper is worse? Ron
Who does the laundry? House Laundry is me work clothes is Ron
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? there is no Wrong or Right. Ron likes to change it up
Who pays the bills? Ron makes the money and I write the checks
Who mows the lawn? We both take you turns
Who cooks dinner? me most of the time
Who drives when you are together? Ron he says I drive like I am a nascar driver
Who is more stubborn? Ron
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? ME
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine
Who proposed? ME I made him buy the ring for me
Who has more friends? me I think it is in a womens nature to have friends
Who has more siblings? me
Who wears the pants in the family? Ron I would do anything for him.
*If you are married and you've read this, you've been tagged!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am having so much fun with my blog

So tonight I got busy and started to play with my blog. I hope you all like what you see I am going to hopefully start to write more so that there are more things to read I also got tagged by Holly so here it goes

8 tv shows I love to watch:
1. House
2. House Reruns
3. Medium(got canceled)
4. big Bother(not this season)
5. Survivor(not this season)
6. Amazing Race
7. Some CSI
8.Football (when Payton plays) ha ha that is for Ron

8 favorite places I love to eat:
1. Outback
2. Taco Johns
3. Sanford's (go gucaguca burger)
4. Burger King
5. Dairy Queen
6. Old Chicago
7. One the Border
8. Ron's pick "at home you're are the best cook baby"

8 things that happened yesterday:
1. Eat breakfast
2. got dressed
3. met Vivian(sister) and Family for lunch
4. went to home depot
5. didn't find what we were looking for (not surprised)
6. went to staples and got a filing cabinet for $45 usually $120
7. picked Hayley up from school
8. Ate dinner with Vivian

8 things I look forward to:
1. some day living on the east side of Casper
2. losing 20lbs
3. my birthday I will be 28
4. paying off out dept
5. living a healthy life
6. seeing my kids learn and grow
7. using my "egg money" to drive a Ford EDGE or a Dodge CHARGER
8. Getting a goose that lays golden eggs so I can build up my "egg money"

8 things I love about fall:
1. the leaves changing
2. Stew in the Crock pot
3. the smells
4. Thanksgiving
5. Halloween
6. Birthdays I know there are a lot but lets face it mine is the important one
7. Cuddling up with my babies
8. Cuddling up with Ron (big daddy)

8 things on my wish list:
2. A new washer and dryer
3. less toys to pick up
4. Less garbage in my back yard
5. more time to sit still
6. The kids to love everything I cooked
7. the perfect Job (do kids, do cleaning, do cooking, and still have time to blog not at 2 in the morning all the time making loads of cash)
8. A toilet made of gold Ha Ha Ha(thank you Austin Powers)